Skylift takes the health and safety of our employees and customers very seriously. As such we have been closely monitoring what is happening with the Novel Corona Virus/Covid19.
On Thursday March 20, we decided it would be in the best interest of all involved parties to go into a temporary shutdown.
On March 22, 2020, the Director of the Ohio Department of Health issued a Director’s Stay at Home Order that took effect at midnight March 23, 2020 and runs through April 6, 2020. The Order requires that all persons in Ohio stay at home unless engaged in “Essential Work or Essential Activity.”
The business operations of Skylift fall within the definition of Essential Work or Essential Activity provided for under the Order. Additionally, Section 5(d) of the Order expressly permits individuals to leave their homes to perform work at Essential Businesses or Operations.
Skylift has decided to remain closed until April 6th, 2020 despite the fact it could open immediately since it is categorized as an Essential Business.
Skylift has since mandated and posted notices throughout the plant regarding certain courses of action for employees to follow to ensure the continued safety and health of each employee.
On Monday, April 6th, when we reopen, steps will be enacted to ensure the safety of everyone at our facility and their families. Employee’s temperatures will be taken and documented, and several health screening questions will be asked, upon their arrival at the facility. Information about the steps to take to prevent the spread of the virus will be available for all Skylift employees. Management will also be moving throughout the plant to ensure that social distancing is occurring as much as possible.
We will continue to actively monitor all information about the current situation.
If there are any questions or concerns about the steps, we are taking please do not hesitate to contact us. We take the well-being of our employees and their loved ones very seriously and will do everything we can to maintain a safe and healthy work environment.